Terror Watchlist Migrants Cross Texas Border


Texas Trooper assigned to “Operation Lone Star” keeps watch over the Mexican border along the Rio Grande.Photo byTexas Department of Public Safety

There are some concerning developments along the Texas – Mexico border. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) reports the recent arrests of 49 “Special Interest Aliens” suspected of illegally crossing into the state.

“A (Special Interest Alien) is a non-U.S. person who, based on an analysis of travel patterns, potentially poses a national security risk to the United States or its interests. Often such individuals or groups (have) travel patterns known or evaluated to possibly have a nexus to terrorism.” –U.S. Department of Homeland Security

The most recent of these arrests occurred on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, in Eagle Pass as Texas Troopers apprehended a group of 135 illegal immigrants. Among them were 14 Special Interest Aliens from Turkey and China.

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