Buffalo’s Historic Colored Musicians Club is the only continuously running, all-Black owned club in the US


“Buffalo…Who Knew” that the HIstoric Colored Musicians Club is the only continuously running, all-Black owned club in the US?

This historically-significant site was founded in 1917 when the all-white musicians union, Local 43, refused to include African American musicians in the union. A separate union, Buffalo Local 533, was thus formed, making Buffalo the eighth city in the United States with a racially-segregated musicians’ local union.

From there, a close-knit group of its members formed a social club, which still exists today as an anchor to the Michigan Street African American Heritage Corridor. Listen as Newell and Frits speak with Craig Steger, Board member, historian, and jazz aficionado, about the Club’s rich history, incredible endurance, and exciting future…

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