Question: Hey there Robert, it’s a pleasure to have a reason to write in and the opportunity to say thank you for what your article offers to those of us who read it. There is so much I’ve learned over the time I’ve been a reader of your article, especially the one where you talked about the PRV on homes. I was having the same issues at that time, and your information made it so I was able to solve this problem on my own. Thank you.
My question has to do with the size of my yard and wanting to install an in-ground pool, next year. We are going to surprise our kids for Christmas with the announcement that we are installing an in-ground pool. I am in one of the older parts of Valencia and have a small yard. Our home is not big, either, but even with our kiddos we plan on making this home forever. We’ve put up above-ground pools several times and use them all summer and know that a pool install would not be wasted, so we want to move forward with this plan and hope to have it completed for next summer.
Where to begin? Who do I trust? Can you help point me in the right direction? Thank you once again for your work…