Old School Trick or Treating Candy in Illinois and Missouri


Nostalgia has been a bankable thing in the twenty first century. Most anything from when you were younger is still sought after, maybe more so now than when you had easy access to it. That goes for Halloween candy too.

Every kid’s candy sack/bucket had mini candy bars of various kinds, that hasn’t changed. They were always the sought after bounty of trick or treating. That’s why you can still buy bags of “fun size” pretty much any time. It was the “filler” or “other candy” that we pushed past, the candy that was the remaining remnants of the feast of sugar that Halloween still is I guess that has been tugging at our memories. The stuff that’s not so easy to find, if it’s available at all.

With nostalgia being bankable though you CAN get those old candies that were always the last to be eaten. You just have to remember what they were called and seek them out. Candies like these:…

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