Pro-Hamas protesters strike again
Stock photo | hosnysalah via Pixabay

On April 30, a mob of pro-Hamas protesters defaced public property at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and yanked down, for a brief time, the American flag fluttering over a prominent part of the campus called Polk Place.

Then-interim leader Lee Roberts responded with firmness and resolve. He is now the chancellor of UNC-Chapel Hill. A group of fraternity brothers helped defend and restore the flag to its rightful place. They became national heroes.

Advancing the Palestinian cause not an inch with their violent and disorderly conduct last spring, the pro-Hamas protesters — yes, they quite explicitly advocate terrorism and the removal of Jews from the Levant, not true “peace” or “justice” — decided to try the same tactic a second time. On Sept. 19, they formed another mob and marched across the campus, screaming at the top of their lungs and spray-painting the likes of “F–k UNC” and “Death to U.S.” on campus buildings…

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