A deeper dive on Prop. 131 and a quick take on some municipal ballot issues | SONDERMANN

A voter drops off their ballot at a drop box for Colorado’s Primary Election measures and candidates in Denver on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.  Tom Hellauer [email protected]

We have a two-parter this week, folks. First, let’s take a deeper look at the most consequential question on the statewide ballot, Proposition 131, which would significantly alter Colorado’s election process. Then, we will finish with some quick takes on a handful of local ballot measures in the state’s two largest cities, Denver and Colorado Springs.

Proposition 131 is essentially a two-fold change to the conduct of Colorado elections, coming from many of the same people who, over recent election cycles, sponsored successful initiatives to open primaries to unaffiliated voters and improve the redistricting process.

Partisan primaries, one for Democrats and one for Republicans, would be replaced with a single primary open to all. The top four finishers in that primary, regardless of party, would advance to the November election, which would feature ranked-choice voting…

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