Franklin County Farmer Larry Sailer Receives Iowa Farm Bureau’s Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award

Franklin County farmer Larry Sailer was recently awarded with Iowa Farm Bureau’s Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award during a meeting of members of Iowa’s largest general farm organization in Des Moines earlier this month.

Sailer, a long-time Franklin County Farm Bureau leader and agricultural advocate, started farming on his own in the early 1970s in the Bradford area and tells RadioOnTheGo news it’s an honor to receive this prestigious award.

“There’s been a hundred of them given out over the years. So I’d like to thank Franklin County Farm Bureau first of all for nominating me. You get nominated by a county and that gets sent in to the state and I’m not sure who down in state goes through it all, but every year they get a lot of counties send in an application for somebody they think that deserves it. It totally took me by surprise because even though I do a lot of public speaking, a lot of interviews and stuff, it’s not about me, it’s always about the topic that I’ve been talking about. So it really took me by surprise. I mean it’s just kind of over a lifetime all these things have accumulated.”

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