Albemarle EDA endorses CvilleBioHub’s grant application for workforce study

The Albemarle Economic Development Authority has endorsed another grant application for CvilleBioHub, an organization seeking to grow the biotechnology sector in the Charlottesville area. 

“The forthcoming Manning Biotechnology Institute, BioLaunch Charlottesville Biotechnology Lab Accelerator, and the growth projections of several local biotechnology companies ensures the future vibrancy of this sector,” reads a draft letter of support for CvilleBioHub’s application for a $250,000 grant from a state agency that shepherds workforce development in the Commonwealth. (view letter on cvillepedia)

The biotechnology sector is a key target industry for Albemarle and one of the major focuses of the county’s Office of Economic Development. A key ingredient to grow the sector is to make sure there are skilled workers for what the letter describes as “successful candidates for the hundreds of advanced manufacturing, laboratory, and research jobs projected.”…

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