The Day a Kentucky Family Was Attacked by “Little Green Men”

The Day a Kentucky Family Was Attacked by “Little Green Men”

Growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, there were SO many movies about extraterrestrials, Independence Day, Men in Black, etc. that sent me down many rabbit holes at the library.  I have always thought there is no way we are alone in the vast and neverending realm of the universe. To be honest, life has been so crazy lately that if I were to see an alien walking down the road, I’d probably just smile and wave and go on about my business.

Aliens Visit Kentucky

Almost 70 years ago today, August 21st, 1955, Elmer “Lucky” Sutton in Kelly, Kentucky (Hopkinsville area) and his family had a wild and infamous night. He and his wife, Vera, had some friends and family staying with them.  One of them named Billy Ray, went outside to get water from the well when he looked up and saw a bright light fly across the dark star-speckled sky. A saucer-shaped aircraft seemed to come to rest behind a wooded area. The two men went to investigate and came upon a 3ft glowing creature.

KET via Youtube

KET via Youtube

Story continues