Selfless Acts of Service in Cancer Care

  • Jacqueline Lewis is recognized for her compassionate care, treating patients like family and providing essential education during chemotherapy.
  • She actively participates in breast cancer awareness and serves on the board of the local Oncology Nursing Society chapter.

A colleague and a patient with cancer each submitted nominating essays about an oncology nurse who made an impact in their lives.
An oncology nurse showed love and concern to her patients as she helped them through treatment.

My first encounter with Jacqueline Lewis, RN, BSN, OCN, was at Baptist Cancer Center in Memphis, Tennessee. I was there for my second chemo treatment for breast cancer, and she was my nurse. She told me to call her Jackie. Jackie made me feel so comfortable and as if she truly cared about me and my wellbeing.

Chemotherapy is a very scary experience, and Jackie gave me comfort. She talked to me like I was family and explained what to expect as I continued through treatment. She made me feel more comfortable about the changes in my appearance that I was about to encounter. I knew what to expect. Proper education is so essential, and that’s what she provided for me.

I think she goes above and beyond for her patients. I look so forward to talking to her and hope that she takes care of me when I come to the clinic for infusions. In the middle of going through treatment, I lost my mother to cancer in April. Jackie hugged me like a sister and gave me such comforting words of encouragement. I truly needed it because at this time, I felt like the bottom was falling out…

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