Protecting Your Family: Know Your Rights

This is a reminder to parents: it’s crucial to know how to invoke your constitutional rights if children’s services come knocking. Many parents are unaware of their options when faced with a sudden visit from children’s services. I frequently write about this topic on my page, sharing insights I wish I’d known during my own experience. My goal is to educate and empower parents who may not be aware of their rights and options in these situations. In many cases a family’s rights are not respected and many caseworkers will try to get away with sidestepping the legal procedures. Keep in mind that these are suggestions, and it’s always best to contact an attorney if possible.

While it’s important to protect your rights, it’s equally important to protect your children. Being respectful can go a long way in these situations. Its always important to ask for identification from the caseworkers and understand the purpose of their visit. Caseworkers are required to explain the nature of their visit. Always keep documents given to you, even those that seem unimportant at the time. Maintain detailed records of all interactions with the agency, including dates, times, names of caseworkers, and the content of discussions.

In Ohio, it is legal to record visits. Ohio Revised Code Section 2933.52 states that only one party involved in a conversation needs to consent to the recording. So if you live in Ohio, you can legally record each interaction with the agency. This could be crucial in situations where you might later wish you had a record of what was said.

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