How a shuttered distillery sparked a soup renaissance in SF’s Sunset District

When the distillery Seven Stills abruptly shuttered, John Lindsey’s world seemed to tilt. For most, it might have been the beginning of a hard stop, but for Lindsey, it marked the start of something entirely unexpected — a reinvention born of resilience, creativity and a touch of serendipity.

“I should have renegotiated my lease earlier during COVID,” Lindsey reflected during a phone call. The pandemic left many businesses scrambling, and his art gallery, the Great Highway , at 3649 Lawton St., faced an uncertain future. Complicating matters further, the neighboring tenant’s sudden closure disrupted his plans to expand, leaving him in a precarious position.

The landlord initially seemed unyielding, and Lindsey prepared to let go of the gallery entirely. Just as the clock was about to run out, a new deal emerged — one that lowered the gallery’s rent to a manageable level. It was far from perfect, but it was enough to keep his dream alive…

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