Watch: Last of eight escaped bulls captured in Massachusetts

Sept. 24 (UPI) — The last of eight bulls that escaped Sunday from a rodeo in Massachusetts was recaptured near the place where the saga began, firefighters said.
CBS Boston/YouTube

The North Attleboro Fire Department said on social media that the bull, one of eight to escape a rodeo at the Emerald Square Mall in North Attleboro, was captured late Monday night.

The bull had been located near the town’s Walmart in the evening Monday, sparking a chase involving the fire department, North Attleboro Police, Attleboro Police, Massachusetts State Police Air Wing, Mass Environmental Police, the New England Rodeo, animal rescue groups and volunteers.

“I have to say I’ve never went out looking for a lost bull. This is one for the books,” Samantha Beckman with Wandering Paws K9 told WBZ-TV…

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