4 New Cases of Severe West Nile Virus Detected


Culex restuans mosquitoes, with pupae in the background, are vectors for West Nile virus.Photo byNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

As of September 18, 2024, Denton County Public Health reported four new cases of West Nile Virus in Denton County this year. According to a news release, the people diagnosed with West Nile Virus Neuroinvasive Disease live in Little Elm, Roanoke, Fort Worth, and Flower Mound.

“With the continued activity of West Nile Virus mosquitoes and the announcement of additional human cases in Denton County,” said Juan Rodriguez, DCPH Assistant Director “We urge community members to stay proactive in reducing mosquito breeding sites and using repellents. These straightforward steps are effective ways to safeguard yourself and your community from mosquito-borne diseases.”

DCPH urges residents to take the subsequent steps to minimize the chance of acquiring WNV:

  • Drain standing water in your yard and neighborhood to minimize mosquito breeding sites such as bird baths, flowerpots, and clogged rain gutters. Consider using mosquito dunks, in standing water that cannot be stopped.
  • Dress in long sleeves and pants when you are outside and spray thin clothing with repellent.
  • Defend yourself by using repellent. Check for ingredients like DEET, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus.

West Nile virus can result in feverish illness or neurologic disease, including meningitis or encephalitis.

West Nile Symptoms

Most people infected with West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms.

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