5 Foods Northern Illinois Residents Say They Can’t Live Without

Lil Zim

If you are considering moving out of the Northern Illinois area soon, please know there are certain things you will have to learn to live without…and you won’t like it.

Moving Out of Illinois

Moving out of Illinois seems to be a hip trend in the last handful of years, and while I too have considered the idea once or twice, there are a few things that keep me put.

First off, all of immediate family live in Illinois, the majority of my extended family do too, and getting together with all of them on special occasions and holidays is something I love to do. Secondly, there a lot of locally owned stores and restaurants that I would miss immensely if I couldn’t go to anytime I felt like it.

Foods People Miss Most When They Move Out of Illinois

Since we’re on the subject of food, I decided to take a quick poll of friends and co-workers to see which foods they would miss most if they moved out of the area. Here are the five items that were mentioned the most:

1. Italian Beef Sandwiches


Yes, restaurants all over the country serve Italian beef sandwiches, but let’s be honest, most of them can’t do this Chicago-style staple as good as Illinoisans can…

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