ISU moving ahead with CyTown development

The Board of Regents approved an agreement for Iowa State University Wednesday for developing property between the Iowa State Center and Jack Trice Stadium.

ISU attorney Michael Norton told the Regents the Goldenrod Companies will handle the CyTown development. “The development is anticipated to include approximately 72,000 square feet of retail, food and beverage space, 90,000 square feet of office space, a 2,800 person outdoor music venue, and a 215 key hotel,” he says. Norton says it is a 30-year agreement between ISU, the ISU Research Park, and Goldenrod.

“The estimated cost of construction for these facilities is between 175 million and 225 million. And of course, the development area will also include the McFarland medical clinic, which has already been approved,” he says. Norton says they have already had a lot of interest in the development. He says there have been more than 300 inquiries in CyTown from many Iowa-based food providers and hotel developers…

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