Teen Who Was Handcuffed And Placed In Jail Uniform By Detroit Judge Files Lawsuit Against Him


The 15-year-old girl who was forced to wear jail clothing and handcuffs after falling asleep in a courtroom during a field trip is suing the Detroit judge over the incident.

Eva Goodman and her mother filed a federal lawsuit on Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan against 36th District Judge Kenneth King. They claim that he violated the teen’s civil rights, arguing that King overstepped his judicial authority by detaining her, shouting at her, and threatening her with jail time.

“Common sense and the facts demonstrate that a grown man became rattled by a young girl that he falsely concluded to be and cast as a delinquent, who was actually a fragile teenager forced to attentively face a past trauma during an actual prior court proceeding that had ended, before shutting down during class,” the lawsuit reads…

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