Hope Atlanta names Mayor Dickens, QuikTrip and Cheryl Naja as ‘heroes’

Hope Atlanta , a nonprofit focused on combating homelessness and hunger in metro Atlanta, will honor three “Heroes for Hope” at this year’s sold out awards ceremony on Oct. 9.

This year’s honorees include Mayor Andre Dickens as the Individual Hero for Hope; QuikTrip as the Corporate Hero for Hope with the award being accepted by president Kevin Thornton; and for the first time the Volunteer Hero of the Year will be awarded to Cheryl Naja, who is a board member of Hope Atlanta and a retired attorney from Alston Bird.

“This year’s honorees exemplify what it means to be a servant leader and showcase true commitment to making a lasting difference in the community. Mayor Dickens has shown a legendary commitment to ending homelessness and finding not only housing but new opportunities for these citizens,” said Julio Carrillo, CEO of HOPE Atlanta. “QuikTrip has shown the impact that corporations can make in their communities. Cherl Naja is an exemplary board member, advocate and volunteer, who inspired the creation of our Volunteer Hero Award. Through Heroes for Hope, we celebrate their steadfast commitment to those that are unhoused in our community and showcase our boundless appreciation for all they’ve done and continue to do. This year more so than ever, we’ve seen incredible changes and true innovations and efforts to provide for our homeless community.”…

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