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While the current flag is steeped in history, some argue that it doesn’t resonate with the modern identity of New Jersey. The design is often seen as outdated and not easily recognizable compared to other state flags. As states like Mississippi have recently redesigned their flags to better reflect contemporary values, it’s worth considering if New Jersey could benefit from a refresh.

Simplification: One approach could be to simplify the flag’s design. Stripping down the elements to a more minimalist design could make the flag more iconic and easier to recognize. For example, a single bold symbol like the horse head from the crest, set against a modernized buff background, might work well.

Incorporating Modern Symbols: Introducing new symbols that reflect New Jersey’s current identity could be powerful. For instance, adding elements that represent the state’s diverse population, its industrial history, or its coastline could make the flag more relatable to its residents…

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