Solomon & Gilmore pushing for Jersey City residents to get priority for affordable units

Jersey City Councilmen James Solomon and Frank Gilmore are pushing a “local preference” ordinance that would give city residents priority for affordable housing.
Jersey City Ward F Councilman Frank Gilmore (left) and Ward E Councilman James Solomon at the January 1st, 2022 inauguration ceremony.

The ordinance, up for first reading at tomorrow night’s council meeting, noted that as an “urban aide municipality,” Jersey City has some flexibility as it relates to state affordable housing rules.

Therefore, the Ward E and Ward F representatives, respectively, want to mandate developers to give Jersey City residents priority when applying for locally created and funded affordable housing units – which is currently the case in Hoboken and Newark.

“Our city is facing a severe affordability crisis, forcing too many of our residents from their homes and the communities they love,” Solomon said in a statement…

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