Heavy police activity unfolded at the Folsom Palladio on Sunday night as Folsom Police responded to what was initially reported as an armed robbery shortly after 9 p.m. According to radio traffic, officers later confirmed the incident was an alleged carjacking that occurred in the parking area of the shopping center.
No injuries have been reported in the alleged carjacking. Folsom Police closed off several access points to the complex as they investigated the incident and gathered witness statements. The suspect fled the scene in the stolen vehicle, which was reportedly tracked to Sacramento and located in an area near Highway 99 and Mascot Drive.
According to dispatch and radio traffic, heavy police activity was underway near Mascot Drive in South Sacramento as the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, Folsom and other law enforcement agencies worked to apprehend the suspect and continued investigating the incident. As of 10:50 p.m. it remained unconfirmed if a suspect had been taken into custody…