Three Rivers Land Trust protects 407 acres in Hoke County

The sounds of military aircraft operating in and around Fort Liberty are normal sights to residents of the Sandhills. Units on the installation are in a constant state of readiness and training. This sense of urgency permeates the culture on Fort Liberty and coincides with the need for highly realistic training. In an effort to maximize every available training acre on the installation, while at the same time reducing the impact of training to current and future residents, the Army has partnered with Three Rivers Land Trust to help conserve key parcels of land around the installation. Recently, Three Rivers Land Trust and its partners at the Department of Defense permanently conserved 407 acres in Hoke County. The protection of these lands will help to ensure that training on Fort Liberty and Camp Mackall can continue unabated by future development. “Ensuring that the soldiers on Fort Liberty have every training advantage possible is in everyone’s best interest. Knowing that…..

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