TalithaPriya McNeill, an Ohio girl living with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs, has received a life-changing gift from the Sunshine Foundation: a customized adaptive wheelchair.
The new Fold & Go wheelchair has been specially adapted to meet TalithaPriya’s unique needs, allowing her greater independence and mobility.
“Tali’s chair was taken to an engineer who’s customizing it with adapted parts, making it easier for her to get in and out on her own,” said TalithaPriya’s mother. “Now it’s perfectly tailored to her needs—she absolutely loves it and can even explore in the mulch!”
The Sunshine Foundation is a national non-profit organization that fulfills the dreams of children with severe chronic illnesses and conditions. They provide a variety of dream experiences, including magical trips to theme parks and special gifts like adaptive equipment…