Kane sat outside Mill Number 5 in Lowell soaking up the information that the Mill will be shutting down its inside small business shops after a decade of unique opportunities for new business owners at the end of January. This information rang out to the community a few days before celebrating the City of Light parade opening the holiday season. The buzz around the city was sad. It’s hard to say goodbye to small business development opportunity, especially within the young adult population. Who doesn’t embrace the vision and excitement and even the needed idealism of a budding small business opportunity coming to fruition.
Kane a frequent patron of Mill Number 5 was feeling nostalgic as he remembered visiting as a young pup the coffee shop Coffee and Cotton, several farmers markets, Sutra Studio, and the old fashion Luna theater. Kane reports it is a unique concept to allow dogs in a coffee shop and small businesses with their family. He has fond memories of meeting new people and other dogs on his way to score his next cookie. Each of these businesses will need to relocate outside the mill to most likely a higher rent situation. Kane wishes them luck in their transition…