These Are The Most Likely Areas For A Nuclear Attack In South Carolina

The possibility of a nuclear attack is terrifying and it’s a topic that nobody wants to think about. However, understanding potential targets can lead to better preparation and emergency response planning.

What If South Carolina Got Nuked?

If South Carolina were ever targeted, these 4 areas are considered to be a high priority due to economic importance.

Nuclear Targets in South Carolina

Catawaba Nuclear Station – Location: York County , SC. This power plant, operated by Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, generates around 3,469 megawatts.

Oconee Nuclear Station – Location: Oconee County, SC. This power plant, operated by Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, generates around 2,500 megawatts.

Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station – Location: Jenkinsville, SC. This power plant, operated by Dominion Energy, generates around 2,900 megawatts…

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