The Grayson basketball team has taken the court for pregame warmups, and many of the visitors on the top rail at gymnasium have started to point and whisper. They see the tall kid wearing the No. 21 jersey and give their friend a nudge. That’s him.
The object of their attention is almost oblivious. He’s aware of it, but he’s already learned to ignore it. Or at least not worry about.
It’s become a way of life for Jacob Wilkins, the young man with the kangaroo springs in his legs. As the youngest son of Hawks and UGA basketball great Dominique Wilkins, he’s been in the spotlight for his entire life. Dozens of fans with cellphone cameras is no big deal.
Top high school basketball games this week
“Now I’m used to it, but at first it was kind of … I mean, I’ve always felt it and it never made me uncomfortable,” said Wilkins, a 6-foot-9 senior whose face bears a striking resemblance to his famous father. “I think it’s kind of cool that people know you. Even if it’s a good opinion or a bad opinion, I think it’s a good thing when people recognize you.”…