Former NICU patient volunteers 19 years later at same hospital

FORT COLLINS, Colo. — Maya Armstrong was born more than 10 weeks premature at UCHealth’s Poudre Valley hospital in 2005. She was 1 pound and 15 ounces.

Armstrong said her mother experienced health complications that forced her to have an emergency C-section.

“So my mom had HELLP syndrome and pre-eclampsia which are things that coincide with pregnancy and pre-term,” Armstrong explained. “So she had high blood pressure and just not doing well in the progress of me. I also wasn’t doing well. They prompted us to come in and rush us to the hospital. After she was put on bed rest and they had an emergency C-section so I was 27 weeks so I was developed enough to be in the NICU but I needed help breathing so that’s what prompted it.”…

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