Bus stop pickup & drop-off locations near construction cause concern for parents


After hearing about a child being hit by an SUV in the Lehigh Acres, parents in Fort Myers called Fox 4, wanting to know what they could do to make school bus stops safer than the district’s legal responsibility.

Bus stop pickup & drop-off locations near construction cause concern for parents

Your Fort Myers community correspondent, Miyoshi Price, has spoken to parents for weeks about their concerns with bus stops near construction sites.

They were also concerned about the wee hours of the morning pick-ups and low visibility.


Fox 4 spoke to Sharetha Davis before the 2024 Fall school year started in a previous school bus update story. Davis is a parent of two children and lives near Ortiz and Mina Circle. She did not want her two children standing on the side of the road to get picked up.

We shared those concerns with the district, and Miyoshi Price stood at that location waiting for a bus to arrive to see if the changes were made to the pickup location…

Story continues