Wellers go 1-2 to lead Concordia girls to regional championship, Homestead takes boys regional crown

Concordia junior Mallory Weller races to the finish line during the New Haven Cross Country Regional at Huntington University on Saturday. Weller won in 17:36.4.  Victoria Jacobsen | The Journal Gazette

HUNTINGTON – Sisters Mallory and Daphne Weller swept the top two spots at the New Haven Regional cross country championship at Huntington University on Saturday morning to lead the Cadets to their second straight regional title. The Homestead boys lifted the regional trophy a year after missing out on a trip to the state finals.

Mallory Weller, a junior, won her first regional title in a time of 17:36.4, and freshman Daphne was second in 17:58.1, breaking the 18-minute mark in a 5K for the first time. Three more teammates finished in the top 20: Lilly Schlicker was 10th, Maddie Gentz 12th and Hannah Clark 18th, and the Cadets won the team title with 39 points.

Defending state champion Homestead was second with 70 points and also had all five scorers finish in the top 20. The Spartans were led by sophomore Lindsey Arnold, who was 11th in 18:50.1, while Caterina Perego and Avalyn Goldstone placed 13th and 14th, respectively…

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