Pastor’s Place: Called to Serve
Ben Scheck, Pastor, The Grove Church

At the heart of Jesus’ ministry was an unwavering commitment to serve others. He didn’t wait for people to come to Him – He went out, seeking those in need, whether it was through healing, offering hope, or simply being a compassionate presence. We are called to do the same.

Being a part of The Grove Church, the Champions Rotary Club in Justin, and the Metroport Chamber of Commerce has shown me firsthand how serving others not only reflects Jesus’ love but also builds meaningful connections in our community. These organizations open doors for us to meet people where they are. Each connection has the potential to change lives—ours and theirs.

In Rotary I’ve seen how service projects build relationships with fellow members and those we serve. Whether it’s helping to build a Habitat home in Justin or bringing books to 3rd graders in the local schools, the simple act of serving creates a ripple effect…

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