Guest opinion: Chris Goodwin: Proposition 131 is not the ranked-choice voting Colorado needs

By Chris Goodwin

I’m a strong supporter of ranked-choice voting. RCV has the potential to be an important, even game-changing reform, that would help level the electoral playing field by eliminating the spoiler effect and the need for lesser of two evils voting. It would open up our elections to new political parties, new people and new ideas, giving voters a broader range of opinions and choices that just about everyone wants.

Proposition 131 is not ranked-choice voting! It is a watered-down, distorted version of it, and in some ways, the opposite of RCV, and it needs to be defeated! First, RCV would not apply to the “one big primary” for all candidates regardless of political party, that Prop 131 creates. This means that, depending on what office the primary is for, there could be two, three or more Democrats, two, three or more Republicans, maybe an independent and a handful of smaller third parties in the primary…

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