This Is The Number Of Millionaires Living Here In Montana

This Is The Number Of Millionaires Living Here In Montana

How Many Millionaires Does Montana Have?

Montana has for a few decades become a rich persons playground. There is no shortage of stories in the last few years about the wealthy coming in and buying a huge tracts of land. It might surprise you to learn then that there really aren’t that many millionaires living in Montana.

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Do Millionaires Even “Live” In Montana?

One reason that Montana ranks so low on the list of millionaires in each state, is I would assume, they don’t claim Montana as their primary residence. That means they aren’t filing their taxes in the state.

That’s how Stacker came up with the list of how many millionaires live in each state. They went through tax return data from the Internal Revenue Service to see how many people had an adjustable gross income of over 1 million dollars in 2019, which was the latest data available…

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