Firestone Board of Trustees retreat in Estes Park garners praise from some, criticism from others
Elk graze in a meadow in Estes Park. The Firestone Board of Trustees held its annual retreat in Estes Park this year. (Matthew Jonas/Staff Photographer)

Some have described the Firestone Board of Trustees’ two-day retreat in Estes Park last week as “beneficial.” Others have said it was an unnecessary expenditure that should have happened in town.

The retreat was held at 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 11 and 12 at the Holiday Inn Estes Park, according to the address listed on the meeting notice. Trustees talked about: water, growth, future revenue options, the town’s master plan, the police department, engineering, communications accessibility and strategic planning, the meeting notice stated.

“It was extremely beneficial,” Mayor Don Conyac said of the retreat…

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