Man freed after serving 14 years for crime he did not commit

INDIANAPOLIS — A man has been set free after spending more than 14 years behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit.

Anthony Bedolla, a Mexican national, was exonerated after he was convicted of a murder and drug offense that occurred in a parking lot outside of an Indianapolis nightclub. In February 2010, following a bench trial, Bedolla was sentenced to 45 years in prison.

After more than 14 years, the Marion County Superior Court overturned his convictions after new evidence cleared him of the crimes just last week.
Anthony Bedolla (front, center) is pictured with EJC founder and director Professor Jimmy Gurulé, Elliot Slosar, Adam Miller, Cynthia Carter, and Kevin Murphy, whose efforts were crucial in securing Bedolla’s exoneration.

“Through our joint collaborative efforts, we have addressed, confronted, and corrected a tragic miscarriage of justice,” said Professor Jimmy Gurulé , founder and director of Notre Dame Law School’s Exoneration Justice Clinic…

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