A shocking incident unfolded in Miami Beach, Florida, where police arrested a man and woman after discovering their five children living in appalling conditions without food, electricity, or a functioning toilet. The parents, 40-year-old Sanel Canovic and 33-year-old Azra Nikocevic, now face multiple charges of child neglect.
The ordeal came to light on a Tuesday afternoon in the busy 700 block of 15th Street. A passerby noticed a 6-year-old boy crossing the street alone and immediately called 911. When officers arrived, the little boy led them to his nearby apartment. What they found inside was deeply troubling.
Four other children, all under the age of 12, were inside the home. The apartment had no electricity, no food, and no working toilet. The children told the officers they hadn’t eaten in over 12 hours and were very hungry. The officers brought the kids to the police station, where they gave them food while working to locate the parents…