Former Univision host Bárbara Bermudo shares: “Alive Thanks to a Miracle”
Bárbara Bermundo/Instagram

In a video shared with her followers on social media, Puerto Rican journalist and TV host Bárbara Bermudo documented a car accident in Miami that, fortunately, she was not involved in, but it left her shaken by how close she came to witnessing a tragedy.

On her Instagram, Bermudo posted footage showing part of the accident scene, describing what she saw and how emergency teams rushed to the scene to prevent what could have been a major disaster.

The incident occurred in Coral Gables, where a vehicle was left precariously hanging from the third floor of a parking garage. According to Bermudo, it was a tree that miraculously prevented the car from plunging to the ground, which would have likely resulted in fatal consequences. Expressing her relief, she wrote, “Alive thanks to a miracle,” reflecting on how close she had been to a tragic event…

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