Unclean hands and unclean equipment at a Miami Latin American Bakery, inspectors say

Filthy hands and equipment covered the state inspection of a longtime West Miami bakery connected to a restaurant.

When Florida Department of Agriculture inspectors Guisella Uribe and Margaret Alvarez dropped by Latin American Bakery & Cafe , 890 SW 57th Ave., they found the bakery so wanting that the inspection resulted in “Re-Inspection Required,” the worst overall result.

Unlike restaurants inspected by a different Florida department, bakeries, grocers, packaged food sellers and other establishments inspected by the Ag Department don’t have to close after a failed inspection. But inspectors can slap Stop-Use Orders on areas and equipment and Stop Sales on food.

Latin American Bakery & Cafe, 890 SW 57th Ave., in West Miami. DAVID J. NEAL/[email protected]

One of those was used Wednesday at Latin American Bakery. Here are some of the violations found by the inspectors:…

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