Pilot program aims to ease truck backlog on Nimitz Highway at Waiakamilo Street

The Hawaii Department of Transportation and Young Brothers are launching a new pilot project starting Monday, March 17 to improve traffic flow headed eastbound on Nimitz Highway as it approaches Waiakamilo Street.

For years, trucks turning right from Nimitz Highway into YB’s Nimitz Gate have caused a backlog in the right lane, forcing unknowing drivers to change lanes in order to get past the traffic light at the Nimitz and Waiakamilo intersection.

As part of the pilot, YB will set up a mobile container at the HDOT weigh station on Sand Island located just before the Sand Island bridge from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. every Monday and Thursday to pre-check trucks heading to the YB facility at Piers 39 and 40…

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