Experts Say Louisiana Residents Should Stop Doing This
Mike Martindale

I grew up in the era of personal responsibility, and was taught to work hard for what you want. One of my chores was to mow the lawn. I didn’t get paid for that, but I learned at about 9 or 10 years old, that I could drag my lawnmower and gas can around the neighborhood and mow lawns for money.

Of course, there wasn’t a lot of ‘extras’, but I would sometimes edge and sweep the sidewalk. And that has apparently stuck with me for the rest of my life. I actually enjoy doing my own lawn. I don’t want someone else doing it, I like the way I do it. And in the fall, that means cleaning up the leaves. I don’t rake and bag but rather mulch them back into the lawn.
Photo by Logan Mock-Bunting/Getty Images

But now, experts are recommending not raking your leaves in the fall. Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources is in the news for encouraging people to NOT rake leaves this fall. They are saying it’s better for your yard’s ecosystem.

The “rewilding” trend has gotten popular lately. It’s where you let nature do its thing and don’t worry so much about keeping your yard looking “pretty.”
Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images

They sent out an email this week that said, “If raking and bagging fall leaves is an outdoor chore you dread,” just skip it. Lots of bugs and other critters use those leaves in winter, “either hiding amongst the foliage, or eating it.”…

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