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On Saturday at 7:05 p.m. the National Weather Service issued an updated dense fog advisory. The advisory is for Atchison, Miami, Linn, Doniphan, Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Johnson, Nodaway, Worth, Gentry, Harrison, Mercer, Putnam, Schuyler, Holt, Andrew, De Kalb, Daviess, Grundy, Sullivan, Adair, Buchanan, Clinton, Caldwell, Livingston, Macon, Platte, Clay, Ray, Carroll, Chariton, Jackson, Lafayette, Saline, Cass, Pettis, Bates and Henry counties.
Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog for portions of east central and northeast Kansas and central, north central, northeast, northwest, and west central Missouri until 9 a.m. Sunday…