Pennsylvania Takes Bold Steps to Address Maternal Health Disparities

PHILADELPHIA, PA — In a determined effort to address ongoing disparities in maternal health care, key figures from the Pennsylvania government convened Monday with members of the Black Maternal Health Caucus and community stakeholders in Philadelphia. The roundtable discussion, led by representatives from the Pennsylvania Departments of Human Services, Health, and Insurance, focused on strategies to improve maternal health outcomes across the state, with particular attention to the needs of Black women who face disproportionate risks.

Governor Josh Shapiro has emphasized the critical nature of this issue, securing a $2.6 million budget increase dedicated to maternal mortality prevention. This funding will support the Department of Health’s initiatives aimed at reducing the state’s maternal mortality rates, which are alarmingly high, especially among Black women. Human Services Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh highlighted the urgency of these efforts, stating, “We can and must do more to address the maternal mortality crisis in Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth’s plan will address the most urgent issues facing pregnant women and provide actionable next steps to help moms, parents, and their families thrive.”

Key components of the strategic plan include enhancing access to quality maternal health care, diversifying the healthcare workforce, and expanding services for behavioral health and substance use disorders. This holistic approach aims to ensure equitable care for all women, mitigating the stressful and potentially perilous journey of childbirth and postpartum recovery. Secretary of Health Dr. Debra Bogen emphasized the preventability of many maternal deaths, particularly among Black women, stating, “Maternal deaths continue to be more common for Black mothers in Pennsylvania and across the nation. And the fact is that many of these deaths are preventable.”…

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