Duck Donuts, known for serving Warm, Delicious and Made To Order! donuts, announced the grand opening of its Royal Palm Beach shop is set for Saturday, January 18, at 7 a.m. The shop is located at 11051 Southern Boulevard within the Southern Palm Crossing Shopping Center in Royal Palm Beach. The shop is locally owned and operated by childhood best friends Kevin Harris and Spencer Carpenter.
To celebrate the grand opening, the first guest in line on Saturday, January 18, will receive one free dozen donuts per month for a year. The next 50 guests will receive the Sprinkling Happiness Package, two dozen donuts and a bucket of coffee, for a future visit.
“We are excited to open a small business in this thriving community and look forward to serving warm, delicious and made-to-order donuts,” said Harris in a statement. “Spencer and I have spent our careers in business while serving our community and we look forward to continuing those efforts through our ownership of Duck Donuts Royal Palm Beach.”…