These 20 Adorable Baby Names Make WA Parents Cringe the Most

Babies keep the planet populated, make our hearts melt when they smile, and bring us immense joy once they grow up and move out the basement house.

It is only fitting that we give them a proper name, something that they won’t cringe at when it gets mispronounced by teachers and the people working at the DMV.

Somebody you know is probably getting ready to pop out a baby, and one of the firs questions we ask parents-to-be (besides do you know if it’s a boy or a girl) is, “WHAT ARE YOU GONNA NAME IT?”

I think the universe made babies so cute so that we would keep them, otherwise how could we justify gleefully changing poopie diapers, listening to blood-curdling baby screams on a plane, or suffering through many nights of hardly any sleep because the baby keeps waking up in the middle of the night?…

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