National Night Out Unites Community and Police

By Journalist Dr. Ms. Jones

NEWBURGH – National Night Out is a community awareness event. The goal is to promote police and community partnerships and enhance the relationship between neighbors to build community. It is held in over 16,000 communities all over the United States. It is usually on the first Tuesday of August, however this year it was postponed one week due to the weather.

“Last week we had elements against us… [I] had to get in contact with all the community-based and faith-based vendors. I had 72 vendors that I had to connect with. Some of them are old school, so they don’t have email. So, [I had] to do the actual phone calls and everything. And then some of them don’t have any social media at all. So, [I] had to go knock on a few doors,” said Maritza Wilson, Event Coordinator for National Night Out who works as a Bilingual Clerk for the City of Newburgh. “I’m grateful that the community still continues to embrace it and this is why I do what I do, because of that… I’m blessed to be a part of it.”…

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