ODFW Overhauling wolf depredation notices. Weekly emails discontinued


“Recent lethal removal authorizations, confirmed depredations in Lake, Union and Wallowa Counties, and changes to ODFW Wolf Updates email notification system. Based on feedback from interested partners, ODFW is discontinuing weekly emails announcing wolf depredations or lethal removals. Confirmed and probable livestock depredations will continue to be posted on the Livestock Depredation Investigations webpage. The table will be updated near the beginning of each month or earlier if lethal removal is authorized. Additional tables have been added about the wolf population, livestock mortalities and lethal removal authorizations. This information can be accessed at these sites at any time.

Wolf update emails will still be sent announcing important statewide wolf information such as the annual report release, wolf legal status updates, new areas of resident wolf activity, opportunities for new preventative resources for livestock producers, or requests from Oregon State Police about poaching incidents. Thank you for your continued interest in Oregon wolf management and conservation.”…

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