Forecaster Says Indiana Could Get ‘Worst of Winter’ in 2024

A brand new warning about the upcoming winter comes from an online forecaster who says Indiana can expect to get what he describes as the “worst of winter”.

If you’re like me, you absolutely loathe winter weather. When you are a kid, it’s cool because when it snows a lot (well, a lot for Indiana), you get the day off and enjoy playing in the snow. When you are an adult, you don’t get that luxury. You are still expected to get out of that mess and drive to work. Throw in those frigid cold temperatures as another reason why I am not a fan of winter. Now, I realize that we haven’t even gotten into fall, and the temperatures really haven’t dropped too much yet. However, there are a lot of people who are already looking forward to winter weather here in Indiana.

If you are one of those people who love winter weather, you will love this. However, if you despise winter like me, this winter could be a nightmare. There is a brand new outlook on winter 2024/2025 that comes from the YouTube channel Winter Forecast Central. This video uses different models to determine what patterns will be prevalent for the upcoming winter months at the end of 2024 and the start of 2025. The two climate patterns that can greatly affect winter weather are El Niño and La Niña. The video suggests that it’s the latter, La Niña, that will rule this upcoming winter, and if that’s correct, we are in for quite the winter in Indiana…

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