From Sad Days Without Direction to the Happy to Help Handyman

Many people don’t realize how old we can get in what seems to be an instant. Sometimes we age just in thinking about ourselves. Years ago, when I was young, who would have thought simply holding my head up would tire me out and send me packing to bed or perhaps just to the old rocking chair where my grandfather used to sit on the porch and catch a nap?

At one time, I felt like no one was my equal. I swear it seemed when I was eighteen, I could hit a long drive through the mid-field, round first base, head straight out past second base, leap up and catch the ball, spin around and fire it all the way back to home while heading past third and sliding in for my run.

It was just ten in the morning. My wife had been at work since eight. I love cooking and serving breakfast for her. She deserves better than me. She’s the mother of our three children . . . plus, she puts up with me. My body seems to have aged prematurely…

Story continues