WL city council delays potential housing crisis ordinance as resident pushback grows

Members of the West Lafayette community, primarily residents of neighborhoods surrounding Purdue’s campus, packed the city council meeting Monday night, anticipating the vote for a controversial ordinance many hoped to speak on.

But instead of passing anything, the council nearly unanimously voted to wait until March to make a decision on an ordinance that would permit “accessory dwelling units” in several zones of the city and potentially address the housing crisis.

These ADUs would allow more than one family living space to exist on a single lot in those areas, including guest houses, extra apartments and “granny flats.”

If eventually passed, the move would allow more people to pack into the city, which councilors hope would alleviate a housing shortage sweeping West Lafayette — even as some residents say they fear the ADUs would bring unregulated housing for college students and overcrowd the city’s neighborhoods…

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