Louisiana to start enforcing new imported seafood labeling law

BATON ROUGE, La. (Louisiana First) — Louisiana’s new law that requires that imported seafood be clearly labeled on packaging and menus will start to be enforced by the Louisiana Department of Health.

Act 372 mandates that if a retailer, restaurant, or supplier is selling imported shrimp, crawfish or other seafood it must clearly be labeled. The state Department of Agriculture will begin looking for such labels during their regular weights and measures checks.

“Basically, if the package of imported seafood is deemed misleading as to its origin, in other words, if it says Boudreaux’s and it’s got a picture of a Louisiana shrimp boat and Louisiana scene, then under the law it’s got to have ‘product of whatever country’ in 30 font on the front of the package,” Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain said…

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