Fallbrook company accused of keeping $11.7M owed to customers

For more than 40 years CPR Classic in Fallbrook has specialized in the restoration and consignment sales of Porsches. This legacy is now in big financial trouble as it faces dozens of lawsuits reaching more than $11.7 million.

Hans Claassen from Montrose, Colorado isn’t one of the many who’ve filed lawsuits, but he says CPR Classic owes him $111,500. He hired them in 2022 to sell his car on consignment – a silver Porsche 911 he bought in the spring of 1970.


“Well it was actually a gift from my wife,” he said, explaining the gift came after he spent his savings on an engagement ring instead of the car of his dreams, “And so, she felt like she kind of owed me something for that.”


Just like the ring, the car became a symbol of their love and marriage of more than 50 years.

“I really loved that car. I have a lot of memories attached to that car, trips that my wife and I had made together,” said Claassen…

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